On closer inspection, the growth and further development of industries repeatedly followed similar patterns: At the beginning there was a wild boom time with wild providers, wild innovation and no regulation. Then the number of providers will consolidate, driven by the end of strategic dreaming in favor of short-term results and driven by stricter legal regulations. If, in addition to a few niche providers, there is only one large unit / company with a dominant market position, this calls for antitrust regulation to re-promote functioning competition for low prices, high innovation and non-discriminatory access. Now the Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Handelsblatt is calling for Amazon to be split up because the provider is both a platform and a retailer and additional service provider (logistics, payment, etc.). Something similar comes from the USA, where especially politicians of the Democratic Party have similar ideas as they have historically been implemented against BELL and Standard Oil, for example. From the point of view of creditPass, the niche provider for high-quality risk management, compliance and direct debit support, it would make sense to promote diversity in retail for the benefit of consumers and for the benefit of economic goals.